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Fretted instrument repairs and maintenance

_DSC9771.JPG, Conor working on a guitar at his bench


I’ve been tinkering with and playing guitars since I was a young teenager.  As long as I can remember, music has always grabbed my attention, and once I figured out that a kid from the Cowichan Valley could make the same sounds with an electric guitar that Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins could, a guitar hasn’t been far from my hands. Since then my appreciation for different styles of music and the list of my favourites has only grown.


I love the way instruments interact, the way musicians seem to read each other and anticipate the future, the way music – in a good moment – breathes and comes to life, becoming something much larger than the sum of it’s parts. I have been a part of rock bands, making as much noise as we possibly could.  I’ve performed songs I’ve written alone on my acoustic guitar. And after all these years, I remain as excited and challenged by the guitar as I was when I first picked it up.


In 2010 I opened my studio as a guitar teacher, and watched my weeks quickly fill up with all kinds of students. By 2017, my interests had grown, as did the idea of what might be possible and I began taking in instruments for repair.  Not to mention building the occasional guitar.  As the fall of 2023 rolled around it was clear that it was time to close the guitar teacher chapter of my life and focus more fully on my repair clients.


I do everything from the general maintenance involved with fretted instruments to more major structural repairs.  If you've got any questions about an instrument, or a potential project feel free to give me a shout.  I love talking guitars with people!

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